Monday, July 7, 2008

Will isn't always enough

But this time it is. (I hope...)

Yes, for those who have noticed, I am actually referring to the title of the post two down from here. I saw a trend in my declining posts, and told I would put effort into changing that. It appears I failed, as my posting rate only went down, to hit zero for quite a while.

I'll explain how this all came to be:

I have been very busy with my school exams and the work preceding them.
I have been without internet for a while.
I have moved twice (the period without internet started before the first time, and lasted slightly past the second time).
I have been doing different things in the few weeks I have had since, mostly just forgetting about this little corner of the web.

As of today I am legally using an internet connection again (been using an unprotected wireless network until now) and this time I have the very same message as that other post, I am going to post more.

Anyway, I have some spicy stories to be told (finished very, very first version of templatingSystem and have had a website shut down on the account of spreading a virus amongst many other things) and I do not intend to keep them from you.

/me signs off

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